Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Difference between Facebook and A Blog

In order to understand the differences between a blog and the social network Facebook, you need to be given the definition of both. 

According to the website wikipedia.org, a blog is a discussion or informational site published on the internet that consists of discrete or indiscrete entries or posts and listed or displayed in reverse chronological order. 

Facebook is a social network that originally was created for college students and alumni to find and interact with one another.  Now, though the social network is for everyone to use to chat, send messages and communicate with friends, family, coworkers and also, of course, fellow college students.

            The experience that I have had with blogs has been more an a voyeuristic level.  I have found myself somehow clicking on a link about a numbers of things.  This has included food, hair blogs, health blogs, DIY blogs, and anything else you could possibly think of.  I have found these blogs to be some of the most interesting and informative pieces of words there ever was.  I especially love the hair blogs.  I have found myself going on a hair journey and found it refreshing to find someone doing the same thing but putting on the Internet for all to see.  A huge factor with blogs is the pictures that people post of whatever it is that they are blogging about.  This is great to me because, there have been more than a few recipes that I have taken off a blog to create in my own home and the pictures were the biggest help, so that I knew what I was doing and how the food should look. 

            When I think of Facebook, I think of what I see when I go on the social network.  I see posts from my friends about however they’re day was or what they’re thinking, funny pictures etc.  I have to actually admit that I have found some interesting and very informative pieces on the network, but definitely not blog-like.  I find Facebook is geared more toward an entertainment means rather than being informative on a educational or otherwise level. 

            A blog is in a sense of diary of whatever is going on in this particular person’s life or what certain subject has totally encompassed this person’s every facet of life.  This is something this person is deeply involved in studying about.  When I think of blogs, I think of something deep being written about.  One thing that a blog and Facebook does have in common is that anyone can leave a comment on whatever it is that you have shared.  Facebook is just not as serious to me as a blog is and for the most part, I think will never be.  

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