Tuesday, April 23, 2013

7 myths about traveling to Thailand


Recently at my job, my coworkers and myself were put to task to come up with a getaway destination pick for our customer appreciation week.  The absolute first idea that popped in my head was Thailand.  Now, I’m not sure what it is about this country but ever since I was a young girl in elementary school it has held an amazing amount of intrigue for me.  In my elementary school we would have Culture day every year and pick a new country to study and learn about, emulating their cuisine and style of dress.  I put in the idea of Thailand and everyone else agreed.  I was beyond ecstatic about the decision of course.

Fast-forwarding to the present situation, this was not the reaction that I received to my idea.  My manager actually had the nerve to scrunch her face up and immediately dismiss the idea.  So this was when I mulled over what the possible reason could be why my manager and so many others like her react this way about this beloved country.   This was when I found this article about the myths that people believe about Thailand that causes them to even disregard it as a vacation destination. 

This article goes on to list seven myths people have about the country and disproves them. I found this article to be very informative and give cause to actually read the whole article and actually think about traveling to Thailand.  My reasoning for traveling to this great country would be for the temples in Chiang Mai, of course Bangkok, the floating markets, the “Night Bazaar, the flower festival, and the most awesome Lanna Yi Peng festival, with it’s sky lanterns.  Here are also some pictures that I hope will also entice the reader to think about visiting this country.  

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